French Connections

Find Holiday accommodation in France

Last month I talked a little about Paris. This month we will venture away from Paris and towards another beautiful area of France so often called the Garden of France and the cradle of the French Language. It is of course the Loire Valley. I also have a recipe for Saumon au Beurre Blanc (Salmon with Butter Sauce) for you.

HAVE YOU ever had your hair cut in a foreign country? For some, particularly women, it's a daunting thought. If you're a woman who cherishes your crowning glory then the thought of surrendering yourself while on holiday to the local Mr Teasy-Weasy must be quite frightening.

The Cantal department is one of France’s lesser know regions – and it’s well worth discovering if you hanker for lush scenery, peace and quiet and the great outdoors.

Around one fifth of the British workforce will be looking to escape the UK for the long Easter and bank holiday break. But many will also want to avoid battling through the major airports or missing the big wedding.

Whether you’re plotting a trip to Provence, The Riviera or Roussillon, Eurocamp has over 100 locations throughout France to choose from! This limited-time offer includes up to

Whether you’re plotting a trip to Provence, The Riviera or Roussillon, Eurocamp has over 100 locations throughout France to choose from! This limited-time offer includes up to three additional nights for your stay - absolutely free of charge. You could relax for longer by the pool, enjoy more time exploring the local area, or just lay back and enjoy the warm summer evenings.

If you’re planning a longer family holiday in France, Eurocamp also offers a fantastic deal which allows 7 additional nights free of charge when booking a 14 night holiday before 14th July 2011 or after 29th August 2011. If you want more time to relax and discover all that France has to offer then this is the ideal choice for you.

And don’t forget to check out French Connection’s own range of special offers and last-minute deals for a memorable family holiday this year.