French Connections

Find Holiday accommodation in France

The August issue of Sainsbury's Magazine, on sale now, features an article about 'the perfect villa holiday' at a French Connections Maison de Maitre in the countryside not far from Bordeaux.

Back in the 1950’s there was a move afoot by the more progressive advertising companies to introduce men’s perfume and deodorants onto the market.

My father, who was a medical doctor with a speciality in psychology, said to me, “If they want to sell these products, first they will have to convince these men that they stink!”

This did not seem to pose a problem in France.

'Tour' is a fat, glossy magazine with fabulous photos and all the low-down on the 2011 Tour de France - and it features French Connections places to stay close to the Tour locations.

It is almost time for the summer school holidays here in the UK and many of you will be preparing to go away on your summer vacations. If you haven't yet booked anywhere take a look at what there is to offer here on www.frenchconnections.co.uk as there is plenty going on in France at this time of year and you are sure to find something to suit you.

Of course in France it will be the start of their school holidays too, or the L'ete holidays as they are known. This is the two month long summer vacation, like our own, when all schools are closed from the beginning of July to the beginning of September.

Have you ever been frustrated by the long queues for the tolls on French autoroutes at peak times? Well now you can buy the same tag that many French people use to go through the automatic payment lane indicated by an Orange 'T' over the lane as sanef the French motorway operator in northern France has now extended its Liber-t automatic toll payment service to UK motorists.

If, as we found on a recent trip to Languedoc, the weather proves a little unpredictable and you are searching for an indoor interest, there is always the Aquarium in Banyuls-Sur-Mer.

The French government has announced that it will not proceed with its proposal to impose an extra tax on owners of property in France who are not resident in the country.