French Connections

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We love our pets and when the family goes for a holiday or spell at a second home in France then of course the animals often come too.  If proof were needed, Eurotunnel Le Shuttle, which transports passenger vehicles between Folkestone and Calais, has announced that it recently  welcomed the one millionth pet to use its dedicated ‘Pet Travel Service’ available to owners of dogs, cats and even ferrets.

The Le Shuttle pet travel service requires trained staff to carry out checks at the pet control building and has gained increasing popularity since services began in 2000. With its dedicated pet facilities, well-designed exercise areas available just before boarding and travel comfort, little wonder that Le Shuttle has become first choice for so many pet owners.

Eurotunnel say that as one of the family, pets are considered as customers in their own right, so can remain with their owners during the entire 35 minute crossing. Attention to the pets’ welfare during the stress-free journey is of  paramount importance, and with the Tunnel operating 365 days a year, Le Shuttle transported 65% of all pets entering or returning to the United Kingdom in 2011.

Obviously it’s particularly important for pets and owners to spend Christmas and New Year together as an all-time record was achieved on 6 January this year when Eurotunnel transported 1,100 dogs and cats from France to the United Kingdom in a single day. Impressive – but I can’t help wondering about those ferret statistics….

More information at Eurotunnel’s Pet Travel Service